Basic concepts: Type and Object


The Type class is one of the central pieces of the emcore library. It encapsulates information about the underlying C++ datatypes (e.g. float, int8_t, double, string, etc) that are internally managed via templates. This class is implemented following a Singleton pattern where each instance of the same type will share the implementation, avoiding data duplication.

Moreover, the Type class provides several functions to manipulate chunks of memory in a generic way. This is the base for the implementation of a generic single value container (Object) or multi-elements containers (Array and Image).

We can operate with Type instances and query basic properties such as: type name, size in bytes, or if it is trivially copyable ot plain-old-type (POD).

using namespace emcore;

auto f = typeFloat;
ASSERT_EQ(f.getName(), "float");
ASSERT_EQ(f.getSize(), sizeof(float));
std::cout << f << std::endl;

auto d = typeDouble;
ASSERT_EQ(d.getName(), "double");
ASSERT_EQ(d.getSize(), sizeof(double));
std::cout << d << std::endl;

auto i8 = typeInt8;
ASSERT_EQ(i8.getName(), "int8");
ASSERT_EQ(i8.getSize(), sizeof(int8_t));
std::cout << i8 << std::endl;

The Type also contains some utility functions, such as type inference from a given string value. This function is used when parsing table rows from text.

ASSERT_EQ(Type::inferFromString("100"), typeInt32);
ASSERT_EQ(Type::inferFromString("100.00"), typeFloat);
ASSERT_EQ(Type::inferFromString(""), typeString);
ASSERT_EQ(Type::inferFromString("/this/is/a/path"), typeString);

It also contains some other advance functions to work operate on chunks of memory. These methods should not be commonly used unless a core feature of the library will be developed.

size_t n = 10;
float * array = new float[n];
float * array2 = new float[n];
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
    array2[i] = i;

// Copy elements using Type.copy
typeFloat.copy(array2, array, n);

// Check correct values
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
    ASSERT_EQ(array[i], array2[i]);

// Test type casting
int32_t * arrayInt = new int32_t[n];
typeInt32.operate(Type::CAST, array, typeFloat, arrayInt, n);

for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(array[i], (float)arrayInt[i]);


The Object is implemented as a dynamic single value container. This means that an Object instance can contains any type and the content change change dynamically during the execution of the program. It relies on the functionality provided by the Type class.

An Object can be created without value, in which case the default Type is typeNull. After that, another value can be assigned and the type of the object will change if necessary to store the new value. The Object class also implements some operators that mimic the behaviour of the basic types.

using namespace emcore;

Object obj;  // Empty object constructor
ASSERT_EQ(obj.getType(), typeNull);  // The object type should be Null

obj = 1; // Now this object should change its type to typeInt32
ASSERT_EQ(obj.getType(), typeInt32);

// After assignment, an object will change its type if necessary
obj = 2.2f;
ASSERT_EQ(obj.getType(), typeFloat);

// Value can be retrieved with get<T>
ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(obj.get<float>(), 2.2f);

// Comparison and other operator are built-in
ASSERT_EQ(obj, Object(2.2f));

Object obj2 = 3.2f;
ASSERT_TRUE(obj2 > obj);
ASSERT_TRUE(obj < obj2);

// We can explicitly change its type, internal value will be converted
ASSERT_EQ(obj.get<int>(), (int)2.2f);

Object instances can also contains more complex types such as strings or images:

using namespace emcore;

const char * str = "This is a test string";
Object obj3;
obj3 = std::string(str);
auto s2 = obj3.get<std::string>();
ASSERT_EQ(s2, str);  // value is correct

Image img(ArrayDim(10, 10), typeFloat);
auto& typeImage = Type::get<Image>();
obj3 = img;  // Object now contains a pointer to Image
ASSERT_EQ(obj3.getType(), typeImage);

Image img2 = obj3.get<Image>();  // Retrieve the image back

The get<T> from Object can be used to retrieve the internal value, or to cast it to another data type:

uint64_t value = 57536865;
Object o1 = value;
ASSERT_EQ(o1.getType(), typeUInt64);

auto value2 = o1.get<uint64_t>();
ASSERT_EQ(value, value2);

auto value3 = o1.get<size_t>();
ASSERT_EQ(value, value3);
