
class emtools.utils.Process(*args, **kwargs)#
class Logger(logger=None, only_log=False, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')#

Use a logger to log commands that are executed via os.system.

cp(src, dst, retry=None)#

Copy from src to dst.

mkdir(path, retry=None)#

Make a folder path.

mv(src, dst, retry=None)#

Move from src to dst.


Remove a folder or file.

system(cmd, retry=None)#

Execute a command and log it.

  • cmd – Command string to be executed with os.system

  • retry – If not None, it should be the time in seconds after which the command will be re-executed on failure until successful completion.


last exit_status from os.system result


Iterate over the lines of the process output.

static ps(program, workingDir=None, children=False)#

Inspect processes matching a given program name.

  • program – string matching the program name

  • workingDir – if not None, filter processes only with that folder as working directory (cwd)

static system(cmd, only_print=False, color=None)#

Execute and print a command.

  • cmd – Command to be executed.

  • only_print – If true, the command will only be printed and not executed

  • color – Optional color for the command


class emtools.utils.Path#

Group some path utility functions.

class ExtDict#

Keep track of number of files and size by extension.

register(filename, stat=None)#

Register a file, if stat is None it will be calculated.

update([E, ]**F) None.  Update D from dict/iterable E and F.#

If E is present and has a .keys() method, then does: for k in E: D[k] = E[k] If E is present and lacks a .keys() method, then does: for k, v in E: D[k] = v In either case, this is followed by: for k in F: D[k] = F[k]

static addslash(path)#

Add an slash (/) to the end of the path if not present.

static copyDir(dir1, dir2, copyFileFunc=None, pl=None, **kwargs)#

This is a test method to copy a whole directory and control the speed of the copy and how files appear in the destination. A custom copyFileFunc can be passed to copy files. If None, Path.copyFile will be used. **kwargs will be passed to copyFile

static copyFile(file1, file2, sleep=0)#

Copy two files controlling with some possible delay.

static exists(path)#

Just avoid empty or None path to raise exception from os.path.exists.

static inSync(dir1, dir2, verbose=False)#

Return True if both dir1 and dir2 are synchronized (i.e. same content) Use rsync as a subprocess to check if the two directories are synchronized. Both directories must exist.

static lastModified(folder)#

Return the last modified file and modified time.

static removeBaseExt(filename)#

Take the basename of the filename and remove extension

static removeExt(filename)#

Remove extension from basename

static replaceBaseExt(filename, newExt)#

Replace the current basename extension(from last .) with a new one. The new one should not contain the .

static replaceExt(filename, newExt)#

Replace the current path extension(from last .) with a new one. The new one should not contain the .

static rmslash(path)#

Remove the slash (/) from the end of the path if present.


class emtools.utils.System#
static cpus()#

Return number of CPUs in the system, None if can’t figure it out.

static gpus()#

Return a dictionary with existing GPUs and their properties.

static hostname()#

Return the hostname.

static memory()#

Return the total virtual memory of the system. (in Gb)

static specs()#

Make an informative summary of the system specs.