Basic Image Models and Views ============================ ImageModel ---------- The :class:`~datavis.models.ImageModel` class is the most basic model, that is essentially a container of 2D array-like data. It can be initialized completely empty, or some 2D data can be passed. Following code example is take from a test case:: import datavis as dv # ... imgModel = dv.models.ImageModel() # Empty ImageModel # Data and dimensions should be None self.assertIsNone(imgModel.getData()) self.assertIsNone(imgModel.getDim()) We could also initializate the model with some data or use the :meth:`~datavis.models.ImageModel.setData` after creation. :: import numpy as np # ... data = np.ones((100, 200)) imgModel.setData(data) # Data should not be None, neither dimensions self.assertIsNotNone(imgModel.getData()) self.assertEqual(imgModel.getDim(), (200, 100)) self.assertEqual(imgModel.getMinMax(), (1, 1)) The ``emcore`` library provides the Image and ImageFile classes to read CryoEM images from different formats as binary data. In ``emvis``, there are utility classes and function that use ``emcore`` under-the-hood to read the data. For example, one can easily create an :class:`ImageModel ` for an image on disk:: import emvis as emv # ... im = emv.utils.ImageManager() imgModel = dv.models.ImageModel(data=im.getData(imagePath)) ImageView --------- The :class:`~datavis.views.ImageView` widget use the :class:`~datavis.models.ImageModel` class to retrieve the data that will be displayed. The current implementation of the ImageView class is based on the `pyqtgraph.ImageView `_ class. Throw this widget, our ImageView class supports many display functions such as: zooming, dragging, axis display and histogram visualization, among others. Many of these options can be set through the keywords parameters of the :meth:`ImageView.__init__ ` method. A simple example ( that displays a CryoEM image using ImageView is shown below: .. literalinclude:: :linenos: Then, we can execute the script passing an input image: .. code-block:: bash python relion_tutorial/micrographs/006.mrc The following image should be shown: .. image:: /images/image_view.png SlicesModel ----------- The :class:`~datavis.models.SlicesModel` can be seen as an N-dimesional :class:`~datavis.models.ImageModel`. So the main difference respect to it, is that the :meth:`~datavis.models.SlicesModel.getData` method has an index argument to choose which slice's data should be returned. Additionally, it provides the :meth:`~datavis.models.SlicesModel.getImageModel` method as a shortcut to create an ImageModel from a given slice. The :class:`~datavis.models.VolumeModel` class implements the getSlicesModel method that returns a SlicesModel for a given axis. Moreover, the :meth:`~emvis.models.EmStackModel` class inherits from SlicesModel and implement how to read each slice from the stack file. The SlicesModel provides a nice abstraction about how data is retrieved (i.g from disk, memory, computed, etc) and it is used in an homogeneous way by the View widgets. SlicesView ---------- The :class:`~datavis.views.SlicesView` widget is very similar to the :class:`~datavis.views.ImageView` one, but adds an slider for the user to select the slice that is being displayed. It is very easy to adapt the example script shown above for using SlicesView, just replacing lines 12 and 13 by the following: .. literalinclude:: :lines: 13-22 :linenos: In this way, if the read data is 2D, an ImageView will be created, if 3D a SlicesView and raise an exception in any other case. So now the script can be calling using 2D or 3D data as input. MultiSliceView -------------- The :class:`~datavis.views.MultiSliceView` widget is a composition of 3 SlicesView, one for each axis *x*, *y* and *z*. This view is a good option to visualize 3D volume data, since it allows to quickly go through the slices of any of the 3 axis. Although, the MultiSliceView is implemented to receive as input 3 independent SlicesView, in practice the input is commonly generated from a :class:`~datavis.models.VolumeModel` instance, that can provides the required models for each axis. The following code snippet shows how to create a MultiSlicesView (all the PyQt5 application boilerplate code is not shown here). It uses the :class:`~emvis.models.ModelsFactory` class that creates the VolumeModel from the provided path. .. code-block:: python def createView(self, volumePath): volModel = emv.models.ModelsFactory.createVolumeModel(volumePath) msv = dv.views.MultiSliceView( None, {axis: {'model': volModel.getSlicesModel(axis), 'normalize': True} for axis in [dv.models.AXIS_X, dv.models.AXIS_Y, dv.models.AXIS_Z]}) return msv The MultiSliceView should looks like the image below: .. image:: /images/multislice.png :width: 500px :align: center