Customizing EMhub#

This section explains how one can modify EMHub pages or add new ones, and how to extend the REST API. In general, EMHub pages require corresponding “content” functions that prepare the data to be presented, so these may need to be created or modified in support. Pages are implemented as Jinja templates, so it will be necessary to learn at least some of the basics.

In this section, we will use the customization of EMhub for the Single Molecule Imaging Center (EMhub-SMIC) at St. Jude as an example.

Changing Existing Templates#

Builtin templates in EMhub are stored in the emhub/templates directory. To modify existing templates, the recommended procedure is to create an extra/templates folder inside the $EMHUB_INSTANCE directory and put the modified template file there. Some existing templates that are likely to need redefining are:




This is the application’s main template. By changing this template, one can use a new icon or define a different header.


Left panel with sections and links to other pages.


Logo and header definition.


Left panel with sections and links to other pages.


Right content of the Dashboard page.

Templates require underlying content functions that provide the data source for the templates. New templates require the definition of new content functions in the file $EMHUB_INSTANCE/extra/ It is also possible to extend the existing REST API by defining new endpoints in $EMHUB_INSTANCE/extra/

Read more about Customizing EMhub.

For example, if we want to use a different logo, we should make a copy of the main_topbar.html template and place it under $EMHUB_INSTANCE/extra/templates. In that copy, we can replace the default logo URL with a new one. The following block shows the differences between the default file and the modified one.

<             <img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='images/emhub-text-default.png') }}" height="45px" style="margin-left: 15px;">
>             <img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='images/emhub-stjude.png') }}" height="45px" style="margin-left: 15px;">
>             <h3 class="mt-3">Single-Molecule Imaging Center</h3>

Any template in the $EMHUB_INSTANCE/extra/templates folder will take precedence over the ones in emhub/templates. One needs to be careful not use an existing filename that is not intended to be replaced.

Adding New Templates#

New templates can be added into the $EMHUB_INSTANCE/extra/templates folder. Usually, new templates should define an associated “content” function with the same name, which will provide the data required for rendering the template.

For example, for the EMhub-SMIC, we added a Plates page. For that, we created a new file: $EMHUB_INSTANCE/extra/templates/plates.html.

This template is composed of two main parts: the HTML template and some JavaScript code. The following HTML part defines a <div> with the “content” that will be rendered inside the main layout. It uses the current_user variable to render different content depending on the user’s permissions. In this case, the Add Plate button link is only rendered if the logged-in user is a manager.

<div class="container-fluid dashboard-content">
    <!-- Header -->
    {% set title = "Plates" %}
    {% include 'include_header.html' %}
    {% set is_manager = current_user.is_manager %}
    {% set is_admin = current_user.is_admin %}

    <!-- table row -->
    <div class="row">

        {% if is_manager %}
        <div class="col-12 mb-3">
            <a href="javascript:addPlate()" class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fas fa-plus-circle"></i> Add Plate</a>
        {% endif %}

        <div class="col-1">
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-12">
                    <div class="card">
                        <div class="card-header">
                            <h5 class="mb-0">Batches</h5>
                        <div class="card-body">
                            <div class="row">
                                {% for batch in batches %}
                                    <div class="col-12 mb-2">
                                        <a href="javascript:loadBatch({{ batch }})" class="badge badge-dark mr-1">B{{ batch }}</a>
                                {% endfor %}


        <div id="batch-content" class="col-11 p-0 m-0">

           {% include "batch_content.html" %}

    <!-- end table row -->
function loadBatch(batch) {
    var ajaxContent = get_ajax_content('batch_content', {batch_id: batch});
    ajaxContent.done(function(html) {

function addPlate(plate_id) {
    var params = {
        plate_id: plate_id
                         get_ajax_content("plate_form", params));
}  // function showResource

function onPlateOkButtonClick() {
    var values = getFormAsJson('dynamic-form');
    // Send json data to create the puck
    var create_plate_url = "{{ url_for('api.create_plate') }}";

    send_ajax_json(create_plate_url, values,
        function (jsonResponse) {
            if ('error' in jsonResponse)
            else {
                // Reload with current batch selected
                const base_url = "{{ url_for_content('plates') | safe }}";
                window.location.href = base_url + "&batch_id=" + values.batch;
        }, // on success reload page
        function (jqXHR, textStatus) {   // on fail show error message
            showError("Add Plate Request failed: " + textStatus);

The template also uses the batches variable that is a list of batches. This data should be provided by the corresponding “content” function. For adding more content, one needs to define the $EMHUB_INSTANCE/extra/ file with a register_content function. In our example it looks like the following:

def register_content(dc):

    def plates(**kwargs):
        plates =
        batches = []

        for p in plates:
            batch = p.dewar
            plate = p.cane
            if batch not in batches:

        batches.reverse()  # more recent first
        data = {'batches': batches}
        if batches:
            batch_id = kwargs.get('batch_id', batches[0])

        return data

The Javascript part of the plates.html template shows how to use client functions to interact with the server. Following is a description of the three functions there:




Request the content of the batch_content.html and load it as the content of the batch-content div.


Request the content of plate_form and display a dialog to add a new plate.


If the ‘OK’ button is clicked to create a new plate, then get the input parameters for the plate and make a request to create a new one in the database.

Extending the REST API#

In the JavaScript code of this example, the function onPlateOkButtonClick sends a request to the REST API endpoint api.create_plate. This was not part of the built-in EMhub API but was an extension. To achieve this, one can provide a $EMHUB_INSTANCE/extra/ file that will take the API Flask Blueprint object and define a function extend_api to define more endpoints. In this case, it looks like this:

def extend_api(api_bp):

    import flask_login
    from flask import current_app as app

    from emhub.blueprints.api import handle_puck

    @api_bp.route('/create_plate', methods=['POST'])
    def create_plate():
        def _create_plate(**args):
            """ Translate from Plate to Puck. """
                batch = int(args['batch'])
                plate = int(args['plate'])
                code = "B%03d_%02d" % (batch, plate)
                raise Exception("Provide valid 'batch' and 'plate' numbers.")

            print("args: ", args)

            newArgs = {
                'code': code,
                'label': code,
                'dewar': batch,
                'cane': plate,
                'extra': {'comments': args.get('comments', '')},
                'position': 0

        return handle_puck(_create_plate)



Regarding templates and their corresponding “content”, one needs to keep in mind:

  • Templates in $EMHUB_INSTANCE/extra/templates/ will take precedence over built-in ones.

  • Every template must have a corresponding “content” function with the same name.

  • New content functions can be defined in: $EMHUB_INSTANCE/extra/

  • A content function must return a dictionary with keys for each variable used in the template.