Invoices and Reports#

This section contains information relevant to facility staff or site admins.


Invoice Periods#

In EMhub, it is possible to create Invoice Periods with defined start and end dates for accountability and invoicing purposes. All the bookings within that period will count toward the invoicing for that period. Moreover, it is possible to define additional transactions reflecting other costs, such as sample shipping or payments made by PIs in advance.


Instruments Usage Report#

Monitoring the usage of the instruments, especially microscopes, is very important for a CryoEM facility. EMhub provides an easy way to quickly examine its usage based on the number of booking days or the amount of images/data collected.

For this report, one can select one or several instruments and a time range. After clicking the Update button, a report showing the distribution of the bookings for the selected period is generated. Viewing the detailed list of bookings for each PI contributing to the report is also possible.

The metric for the report can be days, as shown in the following image:

Or data: