Deploying in a Docker Container#
Building a Docker Image#
A Docker image for running EMhub can be created with the following dockerfile:
FROM python:3.8
LABEL description="Python 3.8 based image to run emhub application"
LABEL maintainer="J.M. de la Rosa Trevin"
ENV EMHUB_INSTANCE /emhub-data/emhub-instance
RUN pip install emhub
RUN groupadd -g 2000 hubby && useradd -m -u 2000 -g hubby hubby
USER hubby
CMD [ "gunicorn", "-k", "gevent", "--workers=4", "emhub:create_app()", "--bind", "" ]
Running the Container#
After saving the file above as Dockerfile
, run:
# Building the image
docker build . -t emhub --no-cache
# Checking that the new emhub image was created
docker images ls
# Running the application, mapping the port from the container to
# the host machine and mapping a volume containing the instance data folder
docker run -d --rm -p --name=emhub -v /home/hubby/emhub-data/:/emhub-data emhub:latest
# Check the container is running properly
docker ps
# Checking logs
docker logs emhub
# Stopping the app
docker stop emhub