Entry Forms#

These types of forms define entries that can be used in projects. Each entry needs parameters defined in JSON format, from which the GUI will be generated and the data will be stored.

Parameters Definition#

The following sections show example entry forms that illustrate the parameter definition described previously.

Screening Entry Form#

Form name: entry_form:screening#
 2    "title": "Screening",
 3    "sections": [
 4        {
 5            "label": "Grids Comments",
 6            "params": [
 7                {
 8                    "id": "grids_table",
 9                    "label": "Grids Table",
10                    "type": "table",
11                    "columns": [
12                        {
13                            "id": "gridbox_label",
14                            "label": "Grid Label"
15                        },
16                        {
17                            "id": "sample",
18                            "label": "Sample",
19                            "type": "text"
20                        },
21                        {
22                            "id": "comments",
23                            "label": "Comments",
24                            "type": "text"
25                        }
26                    ],
27                    "min_rows": 5
28                }
29            ]
30        },
31        {
32            "label": "Report Images",
33            "params": [
34                {
35                    "id": "images_table",
36                    "label": "Images Table",
37                    "type": "table",
38                    "columns": [
39                        {
40                            "id": "image_title",
41                            "label": "Image Title"
42                        },
43                        {
44                            "id": "image_description",
45                            "label": "Image Description",
46                            "type": "text"
47                        },
48                        {
49                            "id": "image_file",
50                            "label": "Image File",
51                            "type": "file_image"
52                        }
53                    ],
54                    "min_rows": 5
55                }
56            ]
57        }
58    ]