
class emvis.views.EmBrowser(**kwargs)

Creates a EmBrowser instance :keyword textLines: The first and last lines to be shown in text file preview :keyword FileBrowser params:


This method display an image using of pyqtgraph dv.views.ImageView, a volume using the VOLUME-SLICER or dv.views.GALLERY-VIEW components, a image stack or a Table characteristics.

pageBar provides:

  1. A zoomable region for displaying the image

  2. A combination histogram and gradient editor (HistogramLUTItem) for controlling the visual appearance of the image

  3. Tools for very basic analysis of image data (see ROI and Norm buttons)


imagePath – the image path


Update the information of the view panel.


class emvis.views.ViewsFactory

Factory class to centralize the creation of Views, using the underlying classes from em-core.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

static createDataView(path, **kwargs)

Create an DataView and load the volume from the given path

static createImageView(path, **kwargs)

Create an ImageView and load the image from the given path

static createPickerView(micFiles, **kwargs)

Create an PickerView instance :param files: (list) Micrograph paths or None. :param kwargs:

  • boxSize: (int) The box size. Default value is 100

  • sources: (dict) Each element is (mic-path, coord-path)

  • parseCoordFunc: The parser function for coordinates file

static createSlicesView(path, **kwargs)

Create an SlicesView and load the slices from the given path

static createVolumeView(path, **kwargs)

Create an VolumeView and load the volume from the given path