ScilifeLab - Users#

Most users of EMhub at SciLifeLab must first be registered at the CryoEM Portal. After the users are registered and their accounts are enabled, they can be imported into EMhub.

Registering new users#

First of all, users need to register at the Application Portal as stated in Booking Guideline.

Then, we (CryoEM-Sweden staff) should do:

In the Portal:#

1. Check if it is PI, in which case it should mark Yes in the corresponding checkbox and provided a non-empty Invoice Reference field. 1. If the user is not a PI, then provide the PI’s email in the Invoice Reference field.

In EMhub:#

Import users page can be reached from the left panel in:

ADMIN > Import from Portal > Import Users

If there is an error error: Missing PI, it means that the field for the Invoice Reference of this user is not properly set to a valid email of an existing PI in EMhub. This needs to be fixed in the Application Portal by editing the user information before importing the user.

After there are a few users for whom their PI has been detected, the “Show Ready Users” button can be clicked. Then it will show only the list of ready users, and the button will change to “Import Users (X ready).””

Adding PIs to an Application#

For PI users, one must also check if they belong to an existing Application, and if not, add them to one. To add a PI to an Application, one must open the application and add the PI using its ID in the system.